Make it stand out

  • Nothing Special (The Discerners Trilogy)

    Heart-breaking, haunting, and mystifying in a way that leaves you longing for more. This story will remain with you long after its last beautifully scribed words.

  • Something Special (The Discerners Trilogy Book 2)

    Secret societies and powers yet unknown. Is Paisley truly ready for a fresh start with someone new, or will the ghost of James Bennett return to haunt her?

  • BLOOM eZine

    An alternate ending to the Discerner's Trilogy featured in BLOOM

  • Heroes Anthology

    Short story Threads of Gold feat. in Heroes Anthology

  • STORM eZine

    Enchanted (her POV) duet with Dewi Hargreaves. A fantasy romance for the ages!

  • Through The Veil Anthology

    Through The Veil is a charitable anthology featuring stories from several well known authors, including Dina S. and her story of the Dragon Queen.
